Thursday, December 31, 2009

To You...

...Who I considered my 'first love', who stayed with me for a year and four months, and made me the kind of person I am right now;

...Who I met and dated years back and made me feel so appreciated and liked;

...Who came back after all these years, making me realize how important I am to you;

...Who showed and taught me how to love again, even for a month;

...Who I thought was just a stranger, and eventually became a good friend;

...Who I never knew will be my mentor, who believed in me and to what I can offer, who inspires me and makes me move forward; as long as I know you're there to guide me, I know I will never go wrong and that I will achieve whatever it is I dream of;

...Who thought I was just another girl whom you can play with; you made me realize that I can no longer stand the type of person you have become and that I have matured to search for another;

...Who still loves me despite of the circumstances we've been through, and made me aware of how you feel;

...Who don't appreciate a single thing I do; you made me realize that I have so much patience stored in me

...Who I loved all this time, despite of the pain I feel whenever I don't hear from you; you made me realize that I can just love, even without expecting anything in return

...Who loves me (whoever and wherever you are); you let me stay alive and happy longing for that day I will get to know you and spend the rest of my life with you

To all the guys I met and been with all these years, and also to everyone of you --- before this day and year ends, I just really want to say THANK YOU for coming in my life, for adding colors to my world and for joining me in this God-filled journey.

I know people come and go and leave footprints in our hearts. I'm just hoping that you will never forget, that once in your life, I walked through and touched your heart in the best way I know how.

May this new year give all of you more blessings and much love to give and receive!
Happy New Year everyone! ^_^

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