Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Foreign Stranger

Hi guys! It's been quite a while since I wrote something about dates/guys/relationships. And I got excited to post this after reading the article 10 Quickest Ways To Turn A Guy Off.

Not that what you're going to read below has anything to do with the article, it's just that after reading it, it made me remember the recent activity I had over the last week.

Well, let's just say I finally went back to dating or shall I say, meet-ups after a couple of months with a new guy. And it's something that I consider "first-of-a-kind". Why? Because I've never met with a foreigner... until that day came. To be honest, I never thought I'd be interested in one. But then, we can't stop fate. It'll sooner or later introduce you to something or someone new. Events that may trigger happiness or such excitement in your life; or people who may 'somewhat' bring fulfillment to your wishes and daydreams.

The plan was simple. Breakfast and some chitchats. It was fun. It was different from the other dates of course, because I just have to follow EOP (English Only Policy - like if I am speaking with a customer on the phone) for those hours we were together. But the only difference was, I talk, and he's there in front me, and you can see his facial expressions, reactions and you can hear him laugh to the things I say and of the movements I make. It was only then that I realized, he made me feel comfortable around him and of myself. Some people may think I could've had my nose bleeding because of that EOP thing, but much to my surprise, I felt good, I was happy - and - hyper (like I haven't had enough sleep the night before, but my energy is just so high I can't help it). Also, I love the fact that we strolled around a beautiful area and we both love nature and simple things that life has to offer; rather than stay in a four-cornered-dim-lighted room for three hours.

It was also different, and it saddened me because we just have to cut it short. He haven't had enough sleep like I did, since he just got to Manila that evening before we met the next day. I just saw it in his eyes - tired and needs some more rest. Still being a perfect gentleman, he walked me through my way out - as I'm not familiar with the place, then he finally offered a hug before we parted ways. It was indeed a sweet, simple and brief meet up with once a "foreign stranger", and who I can now call, a sweet friend.

Looking forward to see you again - wishing a plane drops you off here one more time :)


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