Friday, August 7, 2009

Migraine Matters II: Can Migraine Really Cause Stroke?

I suddenly had goosebumps upon reading that certain migraine symptoms might lead to stroke and a person who experiences or have experienced this should consult the doctor ASAP.

I didn't know that at an early age (20 years old when I started working after college), since I begin having those symptoms, I might have been attacked with stroke for many times now - in which, what my family and I knew was just one of the usual migraine breakout.

I can't forget those times when all I can do was pray at the back of my mind to stop the throbbing in my head and the numbness of my body. I can't even let anyone touch my head or move me from whatever position I was because it really increases the pain. All I know was that I can barely breathe, my hands and feet felt so cold, I keep on vomitting and whatever's inside my head just keeps on throbbing.

Then when I made it to the hospital, what surprised me more was the result. My CTScan shows normal, and that my doctor said my case was considered a Classical Migraine.

One thing's for sure, though, whatever name is attached to the type of migraine that I have, I don't want that to be a cause for my demise.

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